

Program Director, 教育领导 and 政策, M.Ed.



ELHE 教育领导 & 高等教育


马丁·斯坎兰 is a professor in the 部门 of 教育领导 and 高等教育 in the 林奇学校 of 教育 at 太阳城网赌平台. Before joining the academy, Scanlan spent over ten years as a teacher and administrator. He primarily worked in urban settings in schools serving traditionally marginalized students in Washington, D.C.加州伯克利和威斯康辛麦迪逊. This laid a foundation for his teaching and scholarship interests, which focus on how schools can be organized to more effectively welcome all. Scanlan’s research primarily focuses on the organizational routines and practices of adults in schools, including the policies and procedures that shape these. While attending to multiple dimensions of diversity, his work has looked most carefully at how schools across sectors - including Catholic schools and public schools – can better serve students who have diverse cultural and linguistic heritages, as well as students with special needs. Scanlan has an extensive record of scholarship in academic journals reporting this work.

  • 编辑器, Journal of 专业 Capital and 社区 : recruit and publish empirical scholarship with a growing emphasis on perspectives from diverse national contexts globally.
  • Conducting a study of Catholic Schools providing culturally and linguistically responsive education
  • 参与 NetEDU项目, an international network of scholars exploring school/community collaboration



  • 斯坎兰,M. (2023). Navigation social justice: A schema for educational leadership. Cambridge, MA: Harvard 教育 Press. 
  • Theoharis G., & 斯坎兰,M. (2020). Leadership for Increasingly Diverse Schools, second edition. New York: Routledge/ Taylor and Francis Group. 
  • 斯坎兰,M.亨特,C., & 霍华德,E. (Eds.). (2019). Culturally and linguistically responsive education: Designing networks that transform schools. Cambridge, MA: Harvard 教育 Press. 


  • 斯坎兰,M., (2021). 文化s of Critical Spirituality to Advance 包容 of Immigrant Students and Families. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in 教育. DOI: 10.1080/09518398.2021.1982060 
  • 斯坎兰,M., & 公园,H. (2020). The learning of stakeholders in a community school: A narrative history of Gardner Pilot Academy. Journal of Students Placed at Risk. 
  • 斯坎兰,M.Kim, M., & 鲁上校,我. (2019). Affordances and constraints of communities of practice to promote bilingual schooling. Journal of 专业 Capital and 社区, 4(2), 82-106.


  • John Templeton Foundation - How Catholic School Networks Foster Innovative and Transformative Pedagogies of Character 形成  ($529,590, 2022 - 2025)
  • Innovations in Graduate 教育 – 太阳城网赌平台 Institute for the Liberal Arts ($30,000, 2022 - 2025)
  • Kern Family Foundation - Expanding the Reach of Formative Leadership 教育 by Building Communities of Practice  ($1,500,000 2022 - 2025)
  • 太阳城网赌平台 形成 - Integration of 启蒙教育 and Social 正义 Leadership  ($13,300, 2021 - 2022)


  • 编辑器-in-Chief of Journal of 专业 Capital and 社区